Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 18, 2012

Mousey: Frog-backriding
Today I went frog-backriding. My frog was a spotted frog named Hopster McJane (je parle francais un petit peu)  J. Hopster went out of control when she saw flies. Oh my gosh, I was so scared I screamed HELP!

Meghan: Equitation
Aujourd’hui, j’ai faire la equitation. Mon cheval s’appelle Galileo. Il est très, très gourmand! It est brun mais cheveaux et queux sont noire. La cheval de ma maman s’appelle Lollipop.  

June 14, 2012

Mousey: Park Mousixs
Today I met up with a friend of mine named Francois. We went to the Mousixs Amusement Park. My favorite ride was Mousiris. It went 5000 (mouse miles per hour). We had hot dogs and pop. After a fun ride, Francois threw up! I had a terrific time.

Meghan: Park Astérix
Aujourd’hui, j’ai allé sur les montagne rous (roller coaster). La plus effrayant était la tonnerre de Zeus. C’est comme la montagne rous en bois à la PNE mais x2 fois plus grande! J’avait un très bon temp!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 11th, 2012 Le Jardin des Plantes

Mousey – Today I went to a zoo called “The Menagerie”. I saw some snakes, spiders, frogs and other much cuter animals. I saw a humongous Nile crocodile and I almost fainted. I also saw an Orangutan from Borneo that was the same age as Meghan’s mom. There was a tarantula that had red knees. Also I met a mouse named Philip that was friends with the Red Panda named Fraise. He introduced me and I had a ride on Fraise’s back. It was scary and fun!

Meghan- Aujourd’hui  j’ai  allé au Les Jardin des Plantes à Paris. Dans Les Jardin, il y a  beaucoup des choses. J'ai allé au le Grande Galerie de l’Évolution  au Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle. Ma partie préférée était la Galerie des Enfant parce que il avait technologie et beaucoup d’information. Nous avons allé aussi au La Ménagerie. Mon animal préféré  est les Panda Roux. Les animaux plus intéressant sont les vultures égyptiens .  Mon papa dis «  a baby vulture is just as ugly as a adult one ».

Monday, June 11, 2012

First Church in France

Mousey: Eeek! Yesterday I went to a very big place (Sacre Coeur in Montmartre) and got chased by three cats! Actually they were like the FFP except they were FFCs. Well, anyway, the cats were very, very slow but for some reason they kept on my tail. All that French cheese must be slowing me down. I met another mouse named Andre. He said that those cats are so slow that if they race the FFPs they would loose. He showed me a room for mice only and there was soooo much cheese, I was in heaven! I ate half of it in a cheese eating contest that Andre challenged me to. Then Andre said we have to skedaddle because church was in 15 minutes. I went to church and it was very interesting. Unfortunately, it was so long and with my belly full of cheese I couldn't stay awake.

Meghan: Heir, je suis allé à Montmartre. C'etait trés interesant. Je suis allé au Sacré Coeur, un trés grand basilic. La construction était commencer en 1875 et fini en 1914. Les anges sur la plafond c'était très réaliste et belles. La mess était très longue mais le tuyuau d'orgue était très belle. Après la mess, nous allons á Place du Tertre pour les crepes. Les crepes c'était très délicieux.

On est vu exterior de La Moulin Rouge (can-can), j’ai marcher sur un gigantesque trou avec une grille avec un vent fort venant hors de lui. Je me tenais sur lui et il m'a fait me sentir comme si je pouvais voler. Au meme temps, j’ai acheter des bon bons!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Tour d'Eiffel

Today I went with Meghan and her Mom & Dad to the Eiffel Tower. It was very exciting but on the way up and down Meghan stashed me in her pocket so it was quite boring. All I could see was pink stars. Afterward, I got a picture by the elevator that we waited for a long time. I think my favorite part was when Meghan was taking photos of me. I almost sprained an ankle when the camera rolled on top of me in her pocket. I felt kinda sick as my stomach was in my mouth.

Aujourd'hui nous allons au Tour d'Eiffle avec mon parents. C'etait tres interesant parce que nous avons aller au summet. J'aime  quand nous avons marche au deuxieme etage. Mon favorite moment apres la Tour d'Eiffel etait quand j'ai fais l'abbreviation "FFP" qui est "Fat French Pigeons. J'ai fais cette abbreviation parce que il y a beaucoup des pigeons qui sont tres large. Je dois introduce Thelipe Jonny Bob. Il est la character principal dans le histoire qui je vais faire. Sa s'appelle les adventures de Thelipe Jonny Bob. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It's the Night Before Departure

And all through the house we are frantically packing and putting things away for our house guests soon to come. The car is clean, the cupboards are organized and Mommy is seriously questioning why she chose such a small suitcase.

Mousey is tired yet his owner is bounding around the house way past her bedtime. She is due to go to bed so she can have sweet dreams filled with chocolate croissants, nutella coated baguettes and of course, cheese.
The peregrine falcon has eaten his woodpecker dinner and is fast asleep. We only hope that we too may get there before dawn of the next day.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The countdown is on...9 days till departure

Our departure is just over a week away and busy, busy, busy we are. A list of things to do include putting a lot of items in tubs for storage, forwarding mail to Mama & Papa's, changing newspaper subscription to digital and getting extra medical insurance for the days over our regular insurance coverage. Not to mention, of course, getting the hair done (gotta have my fur just right), dentist/doctor visits, and fitting those social visits in since we won't be around for about 10.5 weeks. It's all good tho! No one is complaining!!!